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In his funeral oration for St. Basil, St. Gregory of Nazianzus calls him a “standard of virtue,” a “noble champion of the truth,” and a “second Joseph” for feeding the hungry in a time of famine. The centuries-long dissemination and study of Basil’s works has only confirmed Gregory’s appraisal of Basil’s great personal holiness, his profound insight into the eloquent defense of the Christian...

On the Holy Spirit To Amphilochius, bishop of the saints in Iconium By Basil, Archbishop of Cappadocian Caesarea and our father among the saints 1, 1 Dear brother Amphilochius, of all men you are the most honorable to me. I commend your love of learning and your industrious character, and I delight very much in the carefulness and sobriety of your idea that not one of the words that are applied to God in every use
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